Sustainable Performance

Nearon Enterprises has thoughtfully integrated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles throughout our business operations. Our ESG practices aim to reduce our environmental footprint, enhance social well-being, and uphold ethical governance practices, driving positive change for all stakeholders. Additionally, we are committed to investing in resilient, high-performing buildings that provide not only financial benefits but also increased occupant comfort and productivity.

Our Vision is a high-performing portfolio coinciding with a healthy, resilient environment.

Our Mission is to enhance a high-performing and resilient portfolio by thoughtfully integrating ESG into our organization.

ESG Program Framework


Environmental Goals

We prioritize clean, renewable, and efficient operations to reduce our environmental impact.

1. Make wise and efficient use of energy, water, and other natural resources.

2. Invest for the future by integrating resilience into the acquisition and operation of our properties.

3. Operate our properties cleanly and efficiently, so as to minimize carbon impact.


Social Goals

As an employer and landlord, we prioritize inclusive and healthy environments.

1. Support our employees and tenants through safety, health, and well-being practices.

2. Provide access to resources, amenities, and benefits that enable employee, tenant, and resident well- being.

3. Promote an equitable workplace that values diverse perspectives and inclusive practices.


Governance Goals

We promote an ethics-first approach that fosters trust and drives lasting value.

1. Lead with integrity and sound judgment in all our actions and decisions.

2. Protect all internal and external data by maintaining a robust security program.

3. Create strong financial returns through disciplined investing.

Targets & Net Zero Goals

Nearon is committed to creating long-term value by building a resilient portfolio that emphasizes operational performance while reducing our energy, water, and carbon emissions and increasing our waste diversion rate. We have established the following targets to track our progress as we work to achieve our mission, vision, and goals.

Energy Use

Energy Use

Reduce EUI by 2% on average per year on 100% of assets
for which Nearon has operational control

20% portfolio-wide reduction by 2033
from a 2023 baseline

Water Use

Water Use

Reduce WUI by 2% on average per year on 100% of assets
for which Nearon has operational control

20% portfolio-wide reduction by 2033
from a 2023 baseline


Carbon Emissions

Reduce carbon emissions across the portfolio by 50% by 2030
from a 2023 baseline

Achieve net zero carbon emissions across the portfolio by 2040
from a 2023 baseline



Increase waste diversion rate to15% by 2028

Increase waste diversion rate to 50% by 2033